
Yenisey Siberia Comprehensive Investment Project enters active implementation phase

Alexander Uss, Krasnoyarsk Region governor, had a meeting with Sergey Vereschagin, Krasnoyarsk Region Government vice-chair, where they discussed the implementation of the Yenisey Siberia Comprehensive Investment Project at the territory of Krasnoyarsk Region. Opening the meeting Alexander Uss emphasised that though the situation is challenging due to the pandemic in the region, country and the world,

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Regional projects of Yenisey Siberia appeal to Indian business

The investment potential of the Yenisey Siberia regions was showcased in a video conference with authorities of the Department of Economy and Commerce from the Embassy of India in the Russian Federation. Representatives of Yenisey Siberia Development Corporation presented a series of investment projects of Krasnoyarsk Region, the Republics of Tyva and Khakassia that might

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Intergeo donates ambulance car to hospital in Kuraginо

6 July, a new ambulance car was added to the car fleet of Kuraginо district hospital. This donation was given to the hospital in the frame of Our People volunteer project, implemented by the initiative of Alexander Uss, Krasnoyarsk Region governor. The ambulance car was procured by Intergeo Management Company for 3 million roubles.  The

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Strategy Partners company presents Yenisey Siberia investment strategy

The investment strategy of Yenisey Siberia has been presented at a video conference. The joint survey initiative of the heads of three regions was supported by CEO and Chairman of the Executive Board of Sberbank of Russia Herman Gref. The survey was carried by the top consulting company of Russia Strategy Partners, a member of

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Finnish business interested in advancing cooperation with Yenisey Siberia regions

Today, a video conference presenting the investment potential of the Yenisey Siberia regions to the Trade Representative Office of Finland in Russia was held. Representatives of Yenisey Siberia Development Corporation presented a series of investment projects of Krasnoyarsk Region, the Republics of Tyva and Khakassia to interest the Finnish businesses. Speaking on the competitive advantages

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Contractor defined to build bridge near Vysokogorsky Village

Mostostroi-11 has won the tender and became the contractor to build a bridge across the Yenisey near the village of Vysokogorsky in the Yeniseysk district of Krasnoyarsk Region. The contractor is currently signing the contract and later is going to embark on the preparatory works. The construction is scheduled to be completed by 30 November

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Krasnoyarsk scientists to research Ak-Sug ore cluster

The Intergeo Russian mining company and Siberian Federal University are carrying out a joint project on researching the Ak-Sug fields in the Republic of Tyva. A team of scientists from Siberian Federal University headed by Professor Vladimir Makarov who is in charge of the School of Mining, Geology and Geotechnology, is to conduct research aimed

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Alexander Uss sees design of new science and education museum expocentre in Krasnoyarsk

Governor Uss has attended the meeting about the construction of a new science and education museum expocentre in Krasnoyarsk. Among others present at the meeting was Maxim Rumyantsev, Rector of Siberian Federal University, Natalia Firyulina, Chairperson of Krasnoyarsk City Council, and Konstantin Shumov, Head of Krasnoyarsk Territory Service for Control in Town Planning. Maxim Rumyantsev

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Lanta-Bank and Yenisey Siberia Development Corporation embark on joint implementation of investment projects

Yenisey Siberia Development Corporation and Lanta-Bank joined efforts to implement new investment projects across various regions of Yenisey Siberia. Their cooperation is mainly focused on attracting investors for the projects using the pool of non-core assets of Lanta-Bank in Krasnoyarsk that can be readily handed over to business on favourable terms. “We have been present

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