The Government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory accepts documents from industrial enterprises wishing to obtain the status of a resident of the special economic zone of industrial and industrial type (SEZ PPT) “Krasnoyarsk Technological Valley”.
“In January, we completed work on the harmonization of the regional regulatory framework with federal legislation regarding the acceptance of applications for SEZ resident status. One of the advantages for business is a simplified procedure for accepting applications and shortening the time for concluding agreements on operating in the SEZ from 40 to 15 working days,” said Tatiana Magdibur, Minister of Economy and Regional Development of the region.
The special economic zone is an instrument of state support for the implementation of investment projects of Russian and foreign companies aimed at the localization and development of high–grade industries in such industries as non-ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering and related industries. The Krasnoyarsk Technological Valley SEZ was established in 2020, and the project is included in the Yenisei Siberia CIP. SEZ resident status allows companies to receive tax and administrative preferences, as well as reduce costs for the creation of engineering, transport and other infrastructure facilities. Currently, 5 companies are residents of the SEZ.
Detailed information about the Krasnoyarsk Technological Valley SEZ, the requirements for residents of the special economic zone, as well as a list of necessary documents are posted on the website of the Ministry of Economy of the region.
Industrial enterprises of the region wishing to obtain resident status and meeting the requirements established by federal and regional legislation for SEZ residents can contact the Ministry of Economy and Regional Development of the Krasnoyarsk Territory by phone: 8 (391) 249-34-35.