Scientists from the Siberian Federal University (SibFU), which is part of the Yenisei Siberia Research Center, have developed a methodology and software for monitoring forest fires using data from the Arctic-M highly elliptical satellite system. The project was implemented with the financial support of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Science Foundation.
Currently, the Arctic-M system consists of two satellites, and Roscosmos plans to launch two more spacecraft. It is expected that the satellites will be able to monitor the entire territory of the country almost continuously – every 15 minutes.
The created software makes it possible to analyze the development of a fire during the absence of data from low-orbit satellite systems, which are traditionally used to solve this problem. Using the capabilities of the Arctic-M system can significantly increase the frequency and efficiency of obtaining information for monitoring large forest fires.
The module developed as part of the project has already been put into trial operation at one of the information nodes of the Russian system for remote monitoring of forest fires of the Federal Forestry Agency (ISDM-Rosleskhoz).
“The implementation of the results of the work will reduce dependence on foreign satellite data from remote sensing of the Earth when solving forest fire monitoring tasks, fundamentally increase the frequency of data acquisition necessary for detecting forest fires, and increase the efficiency of monitoring,” said Yuri Maglinets, project manager, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of the Department of Artificial Intelligence Systems at SibFU.
For reference:
The world-class scientific and educational center “Yenisei Siberia” was established in 2019. It is an interregional association initiated by the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Republics of Khakassia and Tuva. The participants of the REC include 28 scientific and educational organizations and enterprises of the real sector of the economy. During its operation, the Yenisei Siberia Scientific and Educational Center has formed more than 50 integrated projects for the development of new technologies, bringing together the leading scientific, educational and industrial organizations of the region and the country.