A working meeting of the management of the REC “Yeniseiskaya Sibir” and the REC “Siberian Biotechnological Scientific and Educational Center” (Novosibirsk) was held at SibFU. The parties discussed the interaction of science and education institutions in Krasnoyarsk and Novosibirsk, the experience of regional executive authorities in supporting scientific and technological development and the experience of organizing competitions within the framework of such support.
The participants planned to discuss the results obtained within the framework of projects in the field of grain seed production, greenhouse gas monitoring, low-carbon development and adaptation to climate change.
“An important point is the participation of both regions – the Novosibirsk Region and the Krasnoyarsk Territory – in the pilot project of the Russian Federation on the development of regional programs for scientific and technological development. Combining the administrative efforts of the regions, cross-regional expert support, and launching interregional projects are mechanisms to increase the effectiveness of such programs and increase the competitiveness of territories,” said Sergey Verkhovets, Vice Rector for Promising Projects at SibFU.
Novosibirsk REC shared its experience in supporting the commission of the State Council of the Russian Federation in the field of Science, which was chaired by the Governor of the Novosibirsk Region Andrey Travnikov. Such experience is important for the effective work of the State Council Commission “Technological Leadership”, which is chaired by the Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Mikhail Kotyukov.
Colleagues shared their experience of the information systems of the centers. In particular, the online platform “League of Cedar” of the scientific and educational center “Yenisei Siberia” was presented. This is a platform for communication and cooperation of all participants of the center, which provides access not only to the news and data base, but also to the analytical, scientific and management services of the center.
Source: sfu-kras.ru