The RN-Vankor company (part of the Rosneft oil and gas production complex) has commissioned a new gas turbine power plant (GTPP) at the Vankorskoye field “Polar” with a capacity of 150 MW. The complex will meet the needs of new facilities in the Vankor cluster of deposits as part of the Vostok Oil project.
The fuel for the power plant is associated petroleum gas (APG) produced at the field, the useful use of which reaches almost 100% at Vankor today. At the same time, about 13% of the gas is directed to energy facilities. The Polyarnaya GTES will consume more than 270 million cubic meters of pre-treated associated petroleum gas per year to generate energy as fuel.
During the construction of the new power plant, for the first time in the industry, a new engineering solution was applied: vibration isolators were installed between the foundation and the gas turbine units, which reduce the vibration load. This made it possible to significantly increase the maintenance-free life of the station.
GTPP control systems are of domestic production. The successful experience of import substitution of equipment and technologies is planned to be implemented in the design and construction of other energy infrastructure facilities of the Vostok Oil project.
The implementation of the Polyarnaya GTPP construction project, including the development of import substitution solutions for the main equipment units, was carried out by the Company in close cooperation with the enterprises of the Inter RAO Group, as well as with the branches of the Unified Energy System System Operator, which provided a range of work on the commissioning of the Polyarnaya GTPP as part of the country’s energy system.
For reference:
LLC RN-Vankor, a subsidiary of NK Rosneft, is the operator of the Vostok Oil project. It includes the deposits of the Vankor cluster (Vankorskoye, Suzunskoye, Tagulskoye and Lodochnoye), as well as the Payakh cluster located in the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
The complete utilization of associated petroleum gas, which is used, among other things, to generate electricity at the GTPP, will provide the Vostok Oil project with a 75% lower carbon footprint than other new major oil projects in the world.