22 January 2025

Regional machine-building enterprises will receive new support measures

The industrial cluster “Engineering of Siberia”, formed in 2024, is included in the Register of Industrial clusters of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation in order to apply incentive measures in the field of industry to them. The purpose of creating an industrial cluster is to support regional enterprises operating in the production of import–substituting industrial products.  The specialized organization of the industrial cluster was the Yenisei Siberia Development Corporation.

The initial composition of the cluster included 7 regional industrial companies: Borus LLC, ITS-Siberia LLC, Quarry Machines LLC, OKB Micron LLC, Procyon LLC, Remservisgarant LLC, Technomir-Vostok LLC. It is planned that the list of companies will be expanded in the future.

Maxim Ermakov, Minister of Industry and Trade of the Krasnoyarsk Territory: “Industrial clusters are one of the main mechanisms for achieving technological sovereignty. It is extremely important that the number of such associations increases in our region. Fruitful cooperation between the companies will not only accelerate the process of knowledge exchange and innovation, but also create efficient supply chains, as well as improve access to finance, and help train qualified personnel. It is this interaction that will help to increase the competitiveness of the local economy and attract investment.”

The companies that make up the cluster have announced the implementation of 4 investment projects in the Krasnoyarsk Territory aimed at the production of new high-tech import-substituting products: off-road shift buses, front loaders, industrial robots and numerical control milling machines (CNC). The total amount of investments in the announced projects is more than 22.2 billion rubles, and it is planned to create more than 960 new high-tech jobs. The project implementation period is 2025-2034.

Sergey Ladyzhenko, General Director of the Yenisei Siberia Development Corporation: “The participants of the industrial cluster are provided with a whole package of preferences. Among such support measures is the opportunity to receive a loan at a discounted rate of up to 100 billion rubles, reduced insurance premium rates, subsidies for reimbursement of costs for the purchase of components, and others.”

The industrial cluster “Engineering of Siberia” was formed in order to apply federal measures to stimulate industrial activity in the region, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 31, 2015 No. 779 “On Industrial Clusters and specialized organizations of industrial clusters”.