25 November 2020

Presentation of the licensed program of the Yenisey Siberia brand will take place in Krasnoyarsk

 Presentation of the licensed program on the production and sale of the Yenisey Siberia branded souvenirs will take place in the conference hall of the Siberian Federal University Congress Hall (pr. Svobodny, 82, Building 9, Room 4-02) On December 2, 2020 from 11:00 to 12:00. Business representatives in the field of production and trade of the Krasnoyarsk Region, the Republic of Khakassia and the Tyva Republic are invited to the event. The presentation will be held online and offline.

During the presentation the representatives of the Yenisey Siberia Development Corporation will tell about the main business activities as well as the planned activities to promote the Yenisey Siberia brand in 2021-2023.  The sales categories and outlets of the licensed products will be also presented at the event. Business representatives will receive information on the sub-licensees and conditions of contracts conclusion.

In order to take part in the event, you need to submit an application to the email avv@ensib.ru indicating your full name, organization, contact information and participation format. Those participants who choose the online format will receive a link to join the video conference on December 1.