Site type: territory of advanced social and economic development
Location: Republic of Khakassia, Abaza, 6 Promyshlennaya st. (territory of the resident “Abaza wood processing enterprise”)
Total area: 9 ha
Specialization: agro-industrial complex, construction materials, manufacturing industries
Opportunities for residents: tax incentives, contribution incentives, free customs zone, financing, engineering infrastructure, available land plots, industrial buildings and structures, sources of raw materials
Priority social and economic development area is located in Abaza, Republic of Khakassia. Land plots and industrial buildings, provided with all the necessary utilities are available to residents as well as transport accessibility, and special tax regime.
In addition, a resident can apply for soft loans granted by Monotown Development Fund.
A variety of available resources makes the site promising for the residents. The explored reserves of the Abaza iron ore deposit amount to over 100 million tons, which creates prerequisites for the development of metal-working enterprises.
Large areas of exploitable forests in the Tashtypsky district (more than 200 thousand hectares) and a timber supplier – Abaza Timber Processing Enterprise, LLC (current resident of the PSEDA) are available for woodworking enterprises.
Companies of the agro-industrial sector may benefit from a large number of sunny days per year (on average more than 300) and fertile soils of the Tashtypsky district, which do not require additional investments in agricultural activities.