13 July 2019

HR resources of the Yenisey Siberia were discussed at the Territory of Proactive Youth

At the first federal shift “The Energy” of Biryusa, Territory of Proactive Youth All-Russian Youth Education Forum a panel discussion dedicated to the HR potential of the Yenisey Siberia was held. The discussion was participated by young employees of the energy generating companies, students from the related colleges, representatives of the Yenisey Siberia Development Corporation, Ministry of Education of Krasnoyarsk Region, Agency of Labour and Employment, top forest industry companies from the Yenisey Siberia CIP ember regions: Lesosibirsk LDK No.1 JSC and Kraslesinvest JSC.

The discussion participants studied the image of a specialist sought for in the high-tech projects of the future. Today, there is still a gap between the HR training system and real production, and today’s students have a vague idea of the conditions where they will apply their knowledge, while it is still a challenge for the companies to find the most ambitious college graduates. For this reason, the major tool to use is the direct communication between employers, students, and young specialists at the stages of studies and graduation. Today the Yenisey Siberia Comprehensive Investment Project is shaping up a future order for wide specialization workers. To satisfy the needs, there is a number of instruments for the parties to get to know each other and to improve the efficiency of vacancy occupation.

According to the Director General of the Yenisey Siberia Development Corporation Sergei Ladyzhenko, the event helped to understand the needs of the employers, to hear the position of the young people willing to occupy some vacancies at the Yenisey Siberia CIP member companies, and to draw some conclusions concerning the future cooperation. “We realize that even today, when the first vacancies begin to appear, it is essential to make up the HR pool for the investment projects to come. The employers are interested in getting young, active, ambitious, qualified people with serious goals, skills and competencies sought for by the companies”, remarked Sergei Ladyzhenko.

It is also important to add that throughout the three federal shifts of the Biryusa camp, the tent of the Yenisey Siberia CIP with the interactive presentation of key information about the projects and project support mechanisms practiced by the Development Corporation will be functioning.